“I’d rather see a sermon than hear one.”
Reverend Patrick (Pat) Nixon
Santa Emilia Effort Funded by First Christian Church and Others
First Christian Church has a ministry with Santa Emilia, a small, very poor village in Nicaragua. The Nicaraguans call our group, “Amigos de Santa Emilia,” which means “Friends of Santa Emilia.” The goal of our mission is simply to do some good in one place with focus on education and health. More than anything else we hope to become friends with people whose lives are very different than our lives. Once you become friends with someone, it changes how you see the world.
Our mission has built a pre-school, built flush bathrooms for the schools, wired the school for electricity, supported education with supplies, built bridges to help students get to school in high water, done work at the Assembly of God Church, and have re-done the village stage, which also functions as an overflow classroom. In partnership with the Nicaraguan government our group purchased land for a new clinic, which has been a major step in health care for the village. We continue to support that clinic with medications. Following two hurricanes that devastated the village we provided help for rebuilding houses – Helping Nicaragua | November – December 2020 – YouTube.
The largest project has been a water project to bring clean water to every home in the village. In Nicaragua getting water to the homes means that each home has a faucet outside of their home. Dirty water kills more people each year than warfare. This ongoing project continues to impact the health and lives of our friends in Santa Emilia.
We stay with the Nicaraguans and work beside them. We invite people who are not part of First Christian Church to come along to experience this amazing adventure.
For more information, please contact the office of First Christian Church.