Children/Christian Education
Children & Youth Ministries
Youth Group (Wednesdays at 6:30 PM)
Youth in grade 6 through high school meet weekly for a small meal, games and a lesson. They also participate in service projects, Kansas Disciples of Christ Camp and Conferences, 30 Hour Famine, Young Christians Weekend, and more.
Young Families Group (1st Tuesday of each month at 5:30 PM)
All children birth through grade 5 (and the youth group) and their families meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 for games, a craft and lesson. They also participate in monthly activities including, Back to School Bash, Reverse Trick or Treating at local nursing homes, Family Game Nights, creating and donating items for Fostering Connections (a local organization), a summer Zoo trip, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day family outings, swim parties, Teddy Bear Picnic, and much more!
Children’s Church
A weekly Sunday School lesson for children ages 3 – grade 5 during the weekly service.
Sunday School
A weekly Sunday School lesson for children ages 3 – grade 12 from 9:30 – 10:30 each Sunday.
A nursery is provided with a certified teacher watching the children for children birth – age 5 every Sunday from 8:30 until the end of the 10:45 service. Paperwork must be filled out before your child may stay.
Vacation Bible School
Yearly in the summer, we offer a Vacation Bible School for children ages 3 – Middle School. Check back for dates next summer!
Adult Sunday School
21st Century Class led by John Knightly & Nikke Foster
Lounge Class led by Reverend Dustin Morris
Child Care available – all Sunday School classes meet at 9:30 AM.